Mail - Zoho Meeting Integration

Mail - Zoho Meeting Integration

Zoho Meeting integration

Zoho Meeting is a web conferencing software for online meetings and webinars. The Zoho Meeting integration in Zoho Mail allows you to view, schedule, and initiate meetings from inside your mailbox. 

Quick Launch

Zoho Meeting can be launched directly from Zoho Mail from the RHS.

Launching an online meeting from your inbox

Click on the Zoho Meeting icon and select Start a meeting to set up the meeting. Once the meeting is initiated, you can launch it in Zoho Meeting, copy the meeting URL or invite participants via email or Cliq. 

Inviting email contacts to a video meeting

If you choose to  Schedule a meeting instead, you will be redirected to the Zoho Meeting eWidget to enter the relevant details. 

Meeting in eWidget

The Zoho Meeting eWidget in Zoho Mail lets you do more than just setting up a meeting. You can get an overview and manage your meetings from inside your mailbox. 

  1. Login to your Zoho Mail Account
  2. Click on the eWidget icon eWidget icon on the bottom-right corner of your mailbox.
  3. Select Zoho Meeting from the eWidget app menu.
  4. Your scheduled meetings will be listed in the eWidget.

Using the eWidget

Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming online meeting status on your mailbox

  • View a list of upcoming meetings scheduled in Zoho Meeting.
  • Click on the respective meeting card to view details like Date, Duration, Participants etc. You can edit the details by selecting the Edit icon on the top-right corner.
  • Click on Start to begin the relevant meeting from the list of the upcoming meetings.

Meet Now

Meet Now button in the eWidget will allow you to initiate a meeting from Zoho Mail. On clicking Meet Now, you will be able to view details of the meeting you wish to start. You can view the topic, add participants directly, or invite them via Mail or Cliq. You can also copy the meeting link and share it with others.

Launching an online meeting immediately​​

Once you've added all the details, click on Launch Meeting to start it in Zoho Meeting.

Schedule Meeting

You can line up a meeting from Zoho Mail by clicking on the Schedule Meeting button in the eWidget. 

Scheduling an online meeting from your mailbox

Enter the topic, time, agenda, and participants to schedule the meeting. The Conference dropdown allows you to mention the service you wish to use. Click on Use Zoho Conference to schedule the meeting in Zoho Meeting and select Use my own conference service if the meeting is scheduled in other third-party conference platforms. Once you've added the details, click Schedule.

Join Meeting

Join Meeting button in the eWidget allows you to connect to a previously scheduled meeting. Click on the button, enter the meeting key and click Join Now to open in Zoho Meeting. 

Joining an online meeting from your mailbox

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